Creative Ways Of Using Social Media To Boost Sales!

Creative Ways Of Using Social Media To Boost Sales!



Social media has quickly become one of the most important and effective tools in any marketing campaign. No matter what it is you’re trying to sell, be it a product or a service, if you aren’t using social media then you aren’t going to make as many sales as possible. Potentially you run the risk of going out of business too. Social media has become that essential to the marketing world.

But the one downside to social media becoming so synonymous with marketing is that it has become a highly competitive environment. Customers are growing savvy to different marketing ploys. So businesses need to up their creative game if they want to have a chance of making sales through social media.

Social media is a tool. And, like any tool, you need to understand how to use it properly. This guide will offer you some creative ways to boost your sales through social media. It is advisable to utilize as many different social media platforms as possible. Primarily Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook though.

Behind The Scenes

This has become an increasingly popular trend for businesses. Using social media as a way of giving a behind the scene look at how their business operates while also showing off the social environment that has developed between the staff. TikTok and Instagram are where you will see this happen the most.

The biggest advantage of posts like this is that it humanises your business. It reminds customers that they are dealing with real people. Not just a faceless business. Many companies have started hiring a social media manager. Their job is to produce this type of content, alongside curating the more official content.

Posts like this are also a great way to motivate your staff. Chances are they will all have some great ideas for a funny post. And you will quickly see your monthly Instagram likes skyrocket when making content like this. It can be useful to browse through TikTok to see what trends are hot at the moment. And have your staff recreate them.

Live Streams

Live streaming has become one of the most popular forms of entertainment on the internet. Twitch went from being a niche website used for people to show their games to their friends to becoming one of the primary video game entertainment platforms. Most major game companies now use Twitch to stream their Esports tournaments.

Nearly every social media platform has a built-in live streaming function. And you should use it as often as possible. This is ideal for independent business owners who are looking to sell more products. You can do a live auction. These are a great way to shift old stock while also generating a lot more hype for your business. And the live auction format tends to get people to spend more than they usually would.

Charity live streams are also a great way to increase your business’ popularity. Doing a fundraiser like a 24-hour gaming session or a challenge day and live streaming the whole thing will bring in a larger audience than you normally have. And doing charity work will encourage people to support your business too.

Live streams are also a great way to announce new products or services. Announcing something new with a normal video is fine. But, if you spend some time hyping up your announcement live stream, you are certain to generate a lot more hype. People like to feel involved in big occasions such as this.


This is a great way to bring in more sales. People always get excited by a collaboration. You see it all the time in the fashion industry. Companies like Nike make new sneakers themed around different movie or TV franchises. Or fast food restaurants teaming up with a gaming company to produce some game specific meals.

If you are selling a product that could work in a collaborative space then you should definitely consider this. And social media is the place to generate all the hype about this collaboration. The company you are teaming up with will, undoubtedly, have their own social media pages. So you should start working with them to produce content.

Not only will collaborating help both you and the other company increase your sales but it is also a great way to bring in more social media followers. You suddenly open yourself up to an entirely new fanbase. And this works both ways. Meaning a lot of companies are going to be willing to collaborate with you. So you should take every opportunity you can get.

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